By my calculations the boyz were arriving in the late afternoon, but I hadn't a clue when as they're phones were off. They came in from Sydney and grabbed a hire car, it was four hours drive to Port Macquarie.
Apparently they didn't use a map and just "arrived at Port Macquarie", yeah right! They came unstuck when they didn't have my apartment number, there was only about 20 apartments to go through and boy did they go through them. A couple of young girls at the gate giggled at them as they went through all the numbers and the people said "No Jamie isn't here".
Eventually I got a buzz and came down, needless to say they were very happy to see me. I was happy to see them to, it's been quiet at Port and work has been real busy so I was super glad to see the lads. They relaxed a little we grabbed some dinner and attacked the Duty Free - Jack Daniels. They purchased 6 bottles of 'Jack' these guys have real class. Even as I write there's a bottle sitting on the bench looking straight at me!
It was a reasonably quiet night but Cam was approached by a certain old lady at 'Down Under' or sometimes referred to as 'Grab a Granny', she wanted to have a dance and more I bet. Although Cam was very shy on this occasion and declined to dance. Later we met these 3 'emo girls' on the street they were filming us. Can you believe it, we harassed them for abit and they really didn't say much but we had a good laugh at them all the same and took a few photo's for you're pleasure.
The next morning the boys were very tired and a little worse for wear but me and Leon managed to go for a long walk along the local break wall, it was a stunning day and we relaxed and enjoyed the weather. Cam woke up, jezz he is the sleeper! We went on the Port Venture and that was pretty cool, the boyz enjoyed it. You've already seen he Port Venture so I won't go on about it again.
It was Friday night and the boyz were looking for some local talent. Or perhaps the local talent was looking for them I don't know. My new camera (Canon EOS-400D) took many pictures and I'm sure you'll all be happy with all the pics. Dinner was at the Town Green Inn and it was very scrumptious, if you're ever in Port Macquarie make sure you go. Rach/Barry/Debbie and Debbies new man were also dining at the Town Green Inn, I had to take the opportunity to get Rach's number and catch up with them later. Rachs a babe from the office, we didn't end up catching up though unfortunately.
Cam and Leon were both in full form that night dancing hard! We started at the Beach House and then quickly moved onto the Macquarie Inn, Leon seemed to be a hit with the ladies and there's even some evidence in the album. I couldn't help but take a few shots, me and Cam were impressed and started clapping Leon on literally. I think the ladies were just taking advantage of Leon because they had several other boyfriends as well :)
Then we went onto Altitudes which really sucked so we went to the dodgy Down Under again. It was real funny because we were dancing and the guys were all just staring at the dance floor. The ladies were all on the dance floor and at some late stage a few did what I refer to as the Indian dance around me! I've never had this move pulled on me yet but it was pretty cool. They just circle you and dance around you.
So after all the clubbing the next morning we went for a walk and had a look at the fruit bats, Port Macquarie has a huge population of them and they're abit scary, but very cool. At lunchtime we decided to head for the hills and take off to the Gold Coast and as we speak I'm blogging from Raymond's apartment. The property manager came in just now and went real crazy, she's nuts! She accused us of doing drugs setting off fire crackers and throwing out ciggies off the side of the building and ontop of that we go out at night as well!
We've done no drugs, no smokes, no firecrackers then she physically abused Raymond's Mum and we told her to get out and sober up. What a new year's greeting! Perhaps my pterodactyl's impersonation or Leon's monkey call were the fire crackers. Anyway it was all abit silly!
Happy New years everyone and take care.
Love Jamie
Sunday, December 31, 2006
Monday, December 25, 2006
Port Macquarie Christmas
Hi guys well Christmas has been and gone hope you all enjoyed the festivities and Santa treated you well. As usual a few kg's have hit the waist line though luckily I'm keeping up my running so hopefully it will all slide off.
I'm so glad work has finished, it was manic there for awhile, now it's just time to relax. You'll see in my photo's my end of year work lunch @ Finnagin's it's a local Irish bar.
It was a really sunny day, I got a bit too much sun and stumbled off home early. Then slept for a record 12 and a half hours straight. A couple of the other's suffered the same fate, strange really not all of us had that much to drink.
Christmas eve came and I went out with Ken and Robbie, Ken is from Country Energy and has been in Port for 5 years and Robbie is a local councillor and press secretary for the deputy prime minister. Went to the beach house and boy there was some talent there, everyone must of come back to see their friends and families in Port.
Saw Tania (Blair's cousin) and her crew there to and had a chat with them, turned out one of the girls Carol previously worked with Jo (my boss) and we had a big old chat. Everyone that has worked with Peace is usually from NZ so it was nice to catchup with a true blue kiwi. Tania invited me and the boys around for a BBQ on Thursday, Cam and Leon arrive here then so that will fit in nicely.
The girls and Robbie left around midnight and me and Ken thought we'd check out the local bar Macquarie, after being there ten minutes I decided the crowd was just to young. The medium age was 18 and so we called it a night and got to bed before Santa came...
Well I'm still waiting for Santa, he's on a late schedule this year, guess that's what you get when you live overseas :) Melissa (sis) hasn't had to many presents from me lately so I got her a big one this year thanks to Matt's (Mel's man to be) great idea. Anyway so yeah I got a towel for Christmas from Jo (boss), thanks Jo. She made a lovely lunch and dinner for Christmas, Ken came over to and we all wore those cheesy hats you get in cracker. The weather turned a little funky and I got some lovely shots of the clouds.
It's boxing day today and people from Sydney are meant to arrive and fill up every piece of spare accommodation in Port Macquarie. That's at least an extra 30,000 people and that's double the population here, so yeah wozzers, traffic galore apparently.
Hope you are all doing well, Merry Christmas and a Happy new years.
Love Jamie
Sunday, December 17, 2006
Mathew Can Dance
Another short post, not much to report in Port Macqaurie, however my brother Mathew sure can dance.
Last weekend he went to Melbourne and entered in the under 19 division.
As usual he kicked ass :)
He came 1st in New Vogue, 2nd in Latin and 3rd in Ballroom.
Check out these pictures.
The girl on the floor is his partner Sam.
Last weekend he went to Melbourne and entered in the under 19 division.
As usual he kicked ass :)
He came 1st in New Vogue, 2nd in Latin and 3rd in Ballroom.
Check out these pictures.
The girl on the floor is his partner Sam.
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Tommies FDU End of Year Christmas Party
Work Christmas do, was very cool. It was a really really really yummy dinner and everyone had a good time. There was a show, some drag and dance at the end of the night. Very cool.
Short post.
Love Jamie
Short post.
Love Jamie
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
NZ Trip N Bexs Party
Leaving Port Macqaurie - Thursday
I set off from Country Energy on Nov 30th @ lunchtime, Chantal gave me a a lift to the local airport to catch a flight to Sydney, and onto an international flight to NZ.
Both flights were half an hour late, which was lucky, otherwise I would have missed the connecting flight. I managed to find my way around Sydney airport but it was a little confusing.
On the flight over I sat next to a Korean girl(25) Katherine, she was going to live in NZ for a year to learn English and fulfill a dream of traveling to an English speaking country. In South Korea she'd been a model and a receptionist and hadn't quite found her place in life. She was was staying in Forest Hill (North Shore), it was rather amusing talking to her as she wasn't crash hot at English but seemed to pronounce everything really well. I'm sure I talked way to much as I was very excited about getting home and catching up with everyone.
Arriving in NZ
At the airport Josh and Kez greeted me, Kez and Josh are really good mates in NZ and they put up with me for half my stay . Josh put me in his lounge on a mattress, thanks Josh you rock! Kez gave me a lift in the mighty pimp machine, anyway we went back to Josh's and then proceeded to go out for a quick booggie at G-Lobe. We caught up on all the goss and then crashed. The next morning I caught a bus to Takapuna.
Catching up with People - Friday
Arrived at Mum's in the morning @ 7:30am, there didn't seem to be any movement in the house. So I went around the back to admire the garden Allan had been working on. It was very nice, me and Allan had worked on it last year and I was pleased to see he'd done an excellent job.
Just then Allan popped open the bedroom door and announced that Grandma was on the phone and wanted to talk to me. Very strange indeed, unannounced and unexpected I went inside and had a good old chat to Grandma Harts. She's doing so well and she's such a social butterfly, I'm sure I've inherited some of her jaw :)
Mel was asleep so I pounded around the house in the hope of waking her up... (*grin*) and she did wake up! We had a chat and talked like two birds. Mum looked as happy as a clam, and quite rightly so, it's not everyday Mel from Boston is in the house and now me from Port Macquarie, Australia.
After a quick coffee I drove Mum to work and then went shopping with Mel in Takapuna. After that Mel went get her makeup done and I caught up with my good ole friend Lisa. We only had half an hour so we had a coffee in Takapuna. I found out Lisa actually reads my blog so she knew everything I'd been up to, very cool. After that I went to One Red dog and had lunch with all my old work mates. Everyone looked a little stressed but it was good to catch up with them, apparently Leon has caught up the slack of my old job 'te he he', I doubt it :-) . Service and food at One Red Dawg was actually good for a change, I was shocked to say the least.
After all that, I had a well deserved sleep back @ mums. Leon came over and Mel cooked dumplings very tasty, it was the only meal I had that night. Then off to Bex's 21st, we picked up Jason Barlow on the way, funnily enough he only had jeans as you'll see in the pix. Fancy coming all the way from Amsterdam and only bringing jeans. Well Jason updated me on Amsterdam and he's done very well for himself, congrats Jason glad you've finally made it :) Anyway we arrived at Ponies and they all let us in... Shocking as you'll find out later!
Bex's 21st - Part 1
It wasn't just Bex's 21st but for the purposes of this blog it can be :) Ponies was the venue it's a downtown bar next to showgirls and it's very pretentious and high class. Not exactly my style but Bex and her girlfriends were very happy with it all so that was the main thing!
Jason, Leon, Cam and I walked in and well everyone was dressed to the nines! Bex was looking stunning, I bought Rebecca 'Young Sexy Lovely' for a gift and a vibrating shaver. Since Cam doesn't usually buy gifts I wrapped the shaver and put his name on it, Cam & Rebecca had a run in at one time in regards to shaver use. So it was very funny and I'm sure Bex was found it funny as did Cam. Rebecca introduced me to Danyon Loader (NZ Swimmer Gold medalist) whom I'd met at 'Dancing with the stars' and he proceeded to talk to me about his new career - public speaking. Boy Danyon could talk, I was glad Mel came along because I wanted to catch up with Gaily from Gore.
Gailey and Sink were up from Gore and they're great family friends so we had a wee chat. Sarah was also up from Gore and she danced with Rebecca in Gore, they were real old school friends. Anyway after that the music was turned up and I could no longer hear so we just danced and Auntie Nancy danced with me very funny. Leon wanted to visit TelstraClear because there were some ladies there he had to catch up with and I couldn't possibly refuse catching up with ladies.
So I told Dad we would be out for abit, and there was no schedule for the speeches or anything really so we unfortunately missed them. Sorry Bex (not that she reads my blog :p). Bex was talking to everyone on the night and I didn't really expect to talk to her that much, but we caught up at Matthew's end of year party which was very cool.
TelstraClear Party - Part 1
Jason, Cam, Leon and I went to the TelstraClear end of year function. We all got in and the place was packed. It was classic because everyone thought I'd come back to TelstraClear... I told them I came back for the free drink, it was all free incidentally which was very cool, although I only had 2 drinks. I spent most of the night talking and hardly any booze passed between my lips. Meanwhile Cam, Leon and Jason were getting hammered. On top of all this the venue had many different parts to it and I lost everyone about 3 or 4 times. Although we did meet some very cool girls from Price Waterhouse Cooper Melbourne, which were working in NZ. Leon tells me one took quite a liking to me, but I think he had one take quite a liking to him (see pix - lost some of em). So after trying to round up everyone 4 times I finally suceeded and we went back to Bex's party afterwards.
Bex's 21st - Part 2
Back at Bex's, we rolled in just as the speeches had finished and we partied hard. Dwayne had come in to finally and we rocked on down, again you couldn't really hear anyone so there was little talking. I did go and say hi to Tim Shadbolt and his wife Usher(SP). Otherwise we just boogied on down, after awhile we decided to sneak back to the TelstraClear party and catch up with the ladies and that's where the night went all wrong.
TelstraClear Party - Part 2
We arrived and it turned out all the people were going home, mainly the PWC girls. But I did catchup with Gina-Marie and Anita. These girls maintain the guys stares at TelstraClear for 80% of the time. Gina is an OLD school friend and Anita was wearing one of Gina's fashion outfits. They were very cool and it was funny to catchup with Gina, she told me I looked as old as Anita's father. So I must be loosing my boyish looks... no matter men get more distinguished as they get older, she tried to rephrase it but I wasn't to impressed. After all Gina is the same age as me, perhaps older :p! I thought it was just the girls in Australia that said these things but no Kiwi girls are just as bad! This is the second time a girl has told me I look old enough to be a father. Perhaps she's been reading my blog to :) After a quick stop we headed back to Bex's.
Bex's 21st - Part 3 - Disaster Strikes
Cameron and Jason had vanished by this stage and it was just me, Leon and Dwayne. So we rocked up to the door and we were denied. They wouldn't let us in and said that Rebecca wasn't there and that everyone from the party had gone home. What a load a bull s@^$, so I just said fine lets go. Fancy that coming all the way from Australia to be denied at the door or your sisters 21st. Never again will I step foot in that place they've definitely lost my custom and respect. Not that they probably need it, Ponies is for pretentious people with lots of money. So I was angry and Dwayne and Leon wanted to go to some bar I didn't really want to go to either. I wanted to meet up with Kez and Josh as it was still early in the night. As usual people all thought different things and I said sure you do that. I was still angry so I just sat outside a bar and calmed down for half an hour and decided to make the most of the night. I went back to ponies to see if anyone had come out but they hadn't. Then when I went back to the bar Dwayne and Leon had gone into they were no where to be seen.... So I was alone, no phone, no friends and in Auckland on a Friday night. What a crapper, on the off chance that Josh and Kez were at Globe I went there.
The bouncer at the door said the boys are downstairs, Globe is my local and although it is a crap bar you're sure to get in and there are always plenty of ladies. Josh and Kez were happy to see me and we boogied on down. After that we went to Providore and it wasn't to eventful. However after that we waited in an atm line, Kez was asking all the girls if they were pregnant and of course none of them were and then he proceeded to say something that upset one of the girls ALOT. So she ran over and went nuts, I told her all the boys were drunk and that they were all talking shit and she shouldn't take any notice.... So then she slapped me (2nd time a girl got violent this week), I took a couple of steps back then she went after Josh and Kez. We were rolling with laughter, she had just lost it and some boys were trying to calm her down. Ahh what a shocker, so we caught a taxi back to Josh's and crashed. Kez went somewhere else, he had a few things to attend to.
Lunch at Mums & the rest - Saturday
Lunch at Mums the next day was nice, I had lots of Turkey and had a sleep. It was our Christmas day, since I won't actually be in NZ on Christmas. That night I went out for abit with the boyz again and then had an early flight back to Port Macquarie. I've been recovering all week and finally got around to finishing off this post.
Hope you are all well.
Love Jamie
New Zealand,
One Red Dog,
Rebecca Birthday,
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Port Venture Weekend
Hey guys, this week was really good, work wasn't to bad this week and there was a little bit less pressure on which is all good. I'm getting used to it all now.
Came third Wednesday night @ poker and unfortunately it was the last poker night :( and an early night on Wednesday.
I've read six books since I've been in Australia, about one a week. It's been great to spend so much time reading however I think I'll give it a rest for awhile. It's starting to heat up abit as well up to 31 degrees. At lunchtime I walk back to my apartment and go for a swim in the lap pool. It's good to have a pool in my apartment complex, it's very refreshing and will be great in summertime when Leon and Cam visit.
Went to the movies on Friday with Ken, Debbie, Barry (Californian millionaire) and Rachael (office hottie) we saw Borat, Borat, Borat, a flithy, dirty, raw and hilarious movie. It's not everyday you see something so crass but it has it's place under 'comedy reality movie'. Everyone really enjoyed it, but I'm very glad it was only an hour and a half. I can only handle so much rubbish.
Saturday for lunch, I met up with Blair's cousins finally (thanks Bex). It was like a meeting of the xpat Kiwi's, there was
Jason has his own martial arts studio, once I get my car I'll go check it out. Now that I know half the bouncers in port going out should be very safe :)
Saturday night was cool another night of clubbing with Ken and Shoiab(Pakistan) another guy from work. There was lots of dancing and we met up with some guys from poker, they were dancing HARD OUT. One of the guys had sweet pouring off him, it was a little gross. FYI Mum - Met a few girls but nothing to serious :p.
Sunday I woke up late and spent most of the day doing chores, however I went and got a ticket on Port Venture for 25 bucks. Port Venture is a 2 hour cruise around the Hasting river and the Port area. It was good fun, I saw the dolphins, car ferries, big houses and had swim in the boom net. The day was sunny and it was very relaxing.
Tonight I've ironed all my shirts and am real keen to see everyone from home again, it's only been 7 weeks but I'll be going back this Thursday for Bex's 21st on Friday. If you've got any good idea's as what she wants for her birthday let me know :) It's going to be one huge party and it will be great to catch up with my family and crew.
Take care, be good, but not to good :)
Love Jamie
Came third Wednesday night @ poker and unfortunately it was the last poker night :( and an early night on Wednesday.
I've read six books since I've been in Australia, about one a week. It's been great to spend so much time reading however I think I'll give it a rest for awhile. It's starting to heat up abit as well up to 31 degrees. At lunchtime I walk back to my apartment and go for a swim in the lap pool. It's good to have a pool in my apartment complex, it's very refreshing and will be great in summertime when Leon and Cam visit.
Went to the movies on Friday with Ken, Debbie, Barry (Californian millionaire) and Rachael (office hottie) we saw Borat, Borat, Borat, a flithy, dirty, raw and hilarious movie. It's not everyday you see something so crass but it has it's place under 'comedy reality movie'. Everyone really enjoyed it, but I'm very glad it was only an hour and a half. I can only handle so much rubbish.
Saturday for lunch, I met up with Blair's cousins finally (thanks Bex). It was like a meeting of the xpat Kiwi's, there was
- Tania - Blairs cousin from NZ come migrated Port local.
- Jason - Tania's boyfriend Jason(bouncer/kick boxer).
- 'H' and Ashley, 'H' was from NZ and was a local bouncer(kick boxer).
Jason has his own martial arts studio, once I get my car I'll go check it out. Now that I know half the bouncers in port going out should be very safe :)
Saturday night was cool another night of clubbing with Ken and Shoiab(Pakistan) another guy from work. There was lots of dancing and we met up with some guys from poker, they were dancing HARD OUT. One of the guys had sweet pouring off him, it was a little gross. FYI Mum - Met a few girls but nothing to serious :p.
Sunday I woke up late and spent most of the day doing chores, however I went and got a ticket on Port Venture for 25 bucks. Port Venture is a 2 hour cruise around the Hasting river and the Port area. It was good fun, I saw the dolphins, car ferries, big houses and had swim in the boom net. The day was sunny and it was very relaxing.
Tonight I've ironed all my shirts and am real keen to see everyone from home again, it's only been 7 weeks but I'll be going back this Thursday for Bex's 21st on Friday. If you've got any good idea's as what she wants for her birthday let me know :) It's going to be one huge party and it will be great to catch up with my family and crew.
Take care, be good, but not to good :)
Love Jamie
Beach House,
Port Macquarie,
Port Venture
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Twisted Ankle
This weekend I decided to go car shopping and I was told by my boss that there would be plenty of 2nd hands on Ocean View Drive. Ocean View drive was about 5km's so I decided to run there. Next time I'll use one of those vouchers and hire a car :)
Checked google maps as to which route I should take, and set off @ 10am.
After successfully navigating through the back streets to Lake Rd there wasn't much distance to travel before my destination. Although as fate would have it, there were people working on the power lines and they were even throwing electrical wire down from the poles. This was a little disturbing and there were a number of workers so I veered away from the curb and straight into an invisible hole. These are holes that you cannot see in the grass, lurking to injure foolish runners.
And I was one of them, my right foot fell into the hole and found ground then I twisted the foot and heard a crack as something nasty happened in my foot. Probably a piece of ligament tearing. I doubled over and exlaimed "ouchie, owchie" whilst holding onto my foot, rocking in pain. An electricity worker came over and he saw it all happen and offered a lift home. So off I went, Lewis gave me a ride home and boy he just couldn't stop talking. I don't know how many times he said "it's good in port aye" but it just seemed like forever.
Eventually I hoped back into my apartment building up in the lift and crashed on my reclining sofa with a pack of pea's and stayed there for quite sometime. After sleeping on my ankle I can walk on it and the swelling ain't to bad but it is a little tender. My boss was really good about the whole thing and her hubby can run me down to the Dr's, but since I can walk on it I'll see how I go tomorrow.
I've read up on it on the net and found some very interesting stuff on rehabilitation, here's an extract.
It's extremely important not to limp when you walk and bear weight on an injured ankle, even if it is necessary to use crutches. If you walk with a limp, the position-sensing nerves in the foot quickly forget the correct way to walk and instead learn to limp. Subtle changes in this function can leave you with a chronically imbalanced ankle that is easily re injured.
So I'm at home with my foot elevated and toughing it out :)
Hope you are well and are doing stupid stuff as well.
Love Jamie
Checked google maps as to which route I should take, and set off @ 10am.
After successfully navigating through the back streets to Lake Rd there wasn't much distance to travel before my destination. Although as fate would have it, there were people working on the power lines and they were even throwing electrical wire down from the poles. This was a little disturbing and there were a number of workers so I veered away from the curb and straight into an invisible hole. These are holes that you cannot see in the grass, lurking to injure foolish runners.
And I was one of them, my right foot fell into the hole and found ground then I twisted the foot and heard a crack as something nasty happened in my foot. Probably a piece of ligament tearing. I doubled over and exlaimed "ouchie, owchie" whilst holding onto my foot, rocking in pain. An electricity worker came over and he saw it all happen and offered a lift home. So off I went, Lewis gave me a ride home and boy he just couldn't stop talking. I don't know how many times he said "it's good in port aye" but it just seemed like forever.
Eventually I hoped back into my apartment building up in the lift and crashed on my reclining sofa with a pack of pea's and stayed there for quite sometime. After sleeping on my ankle I can walk on it and the swelling ain't to bad but it is a little tender. My boss was really good about the whole thing and her hubby can run me down to the Dr's, but since I can walk on it I'll see how I go tomorrow.
I've read up on it on the net and found some very interesting stuff on rehabilitation, here's an extract.
It's extremely important not to limp when you walk and bear weight on an injured ankle, even if it is necessary to use crutches. If you walk with a limp, the position-sensing nerves in the foot quickly forget the correct way to walk and instead learn to limp. Subtle changes in this function can leave you with a chronically imbalanced ankle that is easily re injured.
So I'm at home with my foot elevated and toughing it out :)
Hope you are well and are doing stupid stuff as well.
Love Jamie
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Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Green Inn Win!
What a night to remember! No pictures but boy what a story.
I signed up for poker and I was lucky 13th signing up. There turned out to be about 16 people for poker that night. At 10oclock I'd cleaned everyone out! I won $60 and the entry fee was free.... Aweeeeesum!
So after that I went to dodgy Downunder with Ken (workmate) to celebrate, we met up with another guy from work and talked for an hour or so. Then we hit the dance floor, and I did some big bad dancing, at one stage there was just four of us on the dance floor dancing to techno. Most locals don't go for techno, but I was ripping it up.
And then another song came and a sexy girl in the bar decided to close dance into me(this is a rare occurrence)! That was all good but what was funnier was when she caught her hair in my shirt button as she danced down my body. She got caught to such an extent my shirt was lifting off my body and another girl had to sort it out!
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny, she was embarrassed and took off, will have to catch up with her next week.
Winning poker is worth $60 but having a girl getting caught in you're shirt button on the dance floor is PRICELESS :)
Be sure to leave comments, and click on my other posts (Rachel's 21st @ Inverell). I've posted like 8 times in October, I'm abit of a blogger :)
Love Jamie
I signed up for poker and I was lucky 13th signing up. There turned out to be about 16 people for poker that night. At 10oclock I'd cleaned everyone out! I won $60 and the entry fee was free.... Aweeeeesum!
So after that I went to dodgy Downunder with Ken (workmate) to celebrate, we met up with another guy from work and talked for an hour or so. Then we hit the dance floor, and I did some big bad dancing, at one stage there was just four of us on the dance floor dancing to techno. Most locals don't go for techno, but I was ripping it up.
And then another song came and a sexy girl in the bar decided to close dance into me(this is a rare occurrence)! That was all good but what was funnier was when she caught her hair in my shirt button as she danced down my body. She got caught to such an extent my shirt was lifting off my body and another girl had to sort it out!
Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny, she was embarrassed and took off, will have to catch up with her next week
Winning poker is worth $60 but having a girl getting caught in you're shirt button on the dance floor is PRICELESS :)
Be sure to leave comments, and click on my other posts (Rachel's 21st @ Inverell). I've posted like 8 times in October, I'm abit of a blogger :)
Love Jamie
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Monday, November 06, 2006
Rachaels 21st @ Inverell Australia
Yeah baby! Inverell :-)
Rachael's 21st was the best party out and it was my first road trip in Australia.
Although the weather was crap so I rarely ventured out of the car.
Rented the car from Avis, turns out they're the biggest rip off artist ever! I had two free days car hire compliments of my boss, but it still turned out to cost $150, all those hidden costs... Sigh, it was an experience I don't want to repeat and I'll be sending them an e-mail with my complaint. I'm guessing most rental car places always rip you off though.
Anyway my road trip was from Port Macquarie to Inverell, it was 350kms in total. With about 60km of windy roads, and about 70kms of roads at 110km speed limit (cool eh :) ). The Holden was a nice drive though at times it felt like a big concrete slab, I'm used to tiny Toyota's!
There was a lovely falls along the way Ashely falls, my pictures don't do it justice as the depth of them was massive. I'm going to plan some track walks for the boyz when they come over.
Bundarra 10kms from Inverell had a population of 400 people, I was abit worried thinking maybe Inverell had a similar population. Luckily they had a population of 11,000, Rachael's 21st was at the Australian Pub, though she told me it was on the main street, so after going to two other pubs I finally turned up at the Australian.
I arrived at the party @ 5pm and everyone was dressed fancy! My jeans weren't going to stack up, however I wasn't near home and that's all I had. Turned out, it was just the girls and a few guys that had dressed up which so I didn't stick out to much after all :)
The girls were really nice and the boyz were friendly to, I met this girl that was 19 and coded in php, c++ and was a qualified interior designer. She was a cutie and a fun dancer - she kept wanting to do drops and at one stage I swear she was 10cm from the ground, :p only in Inverell.
Anyway I met heaps of people that night and had heaps of fun, there was even a power outage, someone drove into a nearby pole which caused a power outage for about an hour. Rachael was abit distressed however, Luke the musician was still playing, it was to bad.
At the end of the night Emily bought me a drink after I insulted her about her activities with animals (she's a vet). So this just goes to show, girls will buy you drinks in Australia but only after you insult them :) Thanks NZ Anna T (she advised me on this before I left). Emily was like Rachael's best friend and single! But I didn't get a chance to woo her to much :p she just had so many boys to deal with.
The night ended at about 2am and I trotted up to my bed upstairs in the pub, it was only 25 bucks a night - four beds in my room with one double... very nice :)
So I'll be going back to Inverell on boxing day for abit of a laugh, apparently it's packed round that time. The next morning I had dinner with the ole folks Tony, Jude, Donna and Gregory.
The trip home was uneventful and I took a few photo's from the car, again it was wet. All and all it was a good weekend and alot of fun had.
Thanks to Rachael and Jason for being such great friends!
Click the picture to see all the pictures in my Picassa album.
Heres a video with some dancing.
Rachael's 21st was the best party out and it was my first road trip in Australia.
Although the weather was crap so I rarely ventured out of the car.
Rented the car from Avis, turns out they're the biggest rip off artist ever! I had two free days car hire compliments of my boss, but it still turned out to cost $150, all those hidden costs... Sigh, it was an experience I don't want to repeat and I'll be sending them an e-mail with my complaint. I'm guessing most rental car places always rip you off though.
Anyway my road trip was from Port Macquarie to Inverell, it was 350kms in total. With about 60km of windy roads, and about 70kms of roads at 110km speed limit (cool eh :) ). The Holden was a nice drive though at times it felt like a big concrete slab, I'm used to tiny Toyota's!
There was a lovely falls along the way Ashely falls, my pictures don't do it justice as the depth of them was massive. I'm going to plan some track walks for the boyz when they come over.
Bundarra 10kms from Inverell had a population of 400 people, I was abit worried thinking maybe Inverell had a similar population. Luckily they had a population of 11,000, Rachael's 21st was at the Australian Pub, though she told me it was on the main street, so after going to two other pubs I finally turned up at the Australian.
I arrived at the party @ 5pm and everyone was dressed fancy! My jeans weren't going to stack up, however I wasn't near home and that's all I had. Turned out, it was just the girls and a few guys that had dressed up which so I didn't stick out to much after all :)
The girls were really nice and the boyz were friendly to, I met this girl that was 19 and coded in php, c++ and was a qualified interior designer. She was a cutie and a fun dancer - she kept wanting to do drops and at one stage I swear she was 10cm from the ground, :p only in Inverell.
Anyway I met heaps of people that night and had heaps of fun, there was even a power outage, someone drove into a nearby pole which caused a power outage for about an hour. Rachael was abit distressed however, Luke the musician was still playing, it was to bad.
At the end of the night Emily bought me a drink after I insulted her about her activities with animals (she's a vet). So this just goes to show, girls will buy you drinks in Australia but only after you insult them :) Thanks NZ Anna T (she advised me on this before I left). Emily was like Rachael's best friend and single! But I didn't get a chance to woo her to much :p she just had so many boys to deal with.
The night ended at about 2am and I trotted up to my bed upstairs in the pub, it was only 25 bucks a night - four beds in my room with one double... very nice :)
So I'll be going back to Inverell on boxing day for abit of a laugh, apparently it's packed round that time. The next morning I had dinner with the ole folks Tony, Jude, Donna and Gregory.
The trip home was uneventful and I took a few photo's from the car, again it was wet. All and all it was a good weekend and alot of fun had.
Thanks to Rachael and Jason for being such great friends!
Click the picture to see all the pictures in my Picassa album.
Heres a video with some dancing.
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Stains 24th - six or sex
Another week has passed and I'm finally getting settled into Port, met so many good people and I'm having a great time. Though I'm missing all my kiwi friends and hope you all are good.
At poker I've met many good friends and Josh aka DJ Stains is just one of them, he invited me to his 24th party down at the local trailer park. Stains had booked out a cabin/house(it was upmarket) and threw the party there.
I didn't know anyone at the but I met Ash(he business partner & friend of Stains) introduced me to everyone and made sure they knew I was a kiwi. Then the jokes started something about sex and six, I responded saying sex(actually six Aussie version) and they couldn't quite pick it, so I had to let out a six(Kiwi version), a few giggles followed.
It helped break the ice and break the nerves abit, then I met Rod, Adam, Dylan, Curby, Emily, Slim, Brian and many others. We all went nightclubbing and I had a great time, although I got abit drunk and tired and bailed early. All and all though it was very cool :-)
Thanks Stains for such an awesome night and everyone for being so kool to the token kiwi. Next week I'm off to Rachel's 21st in Inverell yeaaaaaaaaha :)
You can see my album here, decided not to paste the pictures in my blog now.
Here's my new apartment as well all moved in, cable next week fingers crossed :)
At poker I've met many good friends and Josh aka DJ Stains is just one of them, he invited me to his 24th party down at the local trailer park. Stains had booked out a cabin/house(it was upmarket) and threw the party there.
I didn't know anyone at the but I met Ash(he business partner & friend of Stains) introduced me to everyone and made sure they knew I was a kiwi. Then the jokes started something about sex and six, I responded saying sex(actually six Aussie version) and they couldn't quite pick it, so I had to let out a six(Kiwi version), a few giggles followed.
It helped break the ice and break the nerves abit, then I met Rod, Adam, Dylan, Curby, Emily, Slim, Brian and many others. We all went nightclubbing and I had a great time, although I got abit drunk and tired and bailed early. All and all though it was very cool :-)
Thanks Stains for such an awesome night and everyone for being so kool to the token kiwi. Next week I'm off to Rachel's 21st in Inverell yeaaaaaaaaha :)
You can see my album here, decided not to paste the pictures in my blog now.
Here's my new apartment as well all moved in, cable next week fingers crossed :)
Port Macquarie,
Trailer Park
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Chat enabled web page
Thursday, October 12, 2006
John and Shelleys Wedding
Honestly Queenstown? What was Shelley thinking, me and Cam booked tickets in advance which was lucky for us :) Turned out that Cam and I were booked on the same flight as Allan, it was a good trip down from Auckland only an hour and a half. Once we arrived we jumped in the rental and met up with the wedding crew. Everyone looked stressed, with only 4 hours to the wedding. So we left them to it and went straight to the pub! Where else would you go?
So we had a couple of beers and pizza's, nice service and there was a nice Swedish bar gal, we have a good ole chat. Her parting remarks were get absolutely wasted tonight, she'd been to 5 weddings recently and must of been enjoying them. Now that I think about it, she must of known the bar staff at Stoneridge(wedding venue) because the bar staff there just kept pouring drinks for us all night!
So after we relaxed a little we headed to the wedding and had to change on a dirt road, was rather amusing my black shoes turned dust colour but it all worked out. Stoneridge was a beautiful venue, and the views were Queenstown magnificent. You'll know if you go :) The ceremony was held in a qaint little chapel and it was brief and formal - very cool. Followed by a 10 minutes of photo's and abit of chatter. Then it was up to the bar :)
And low and behold there was this very georgeous bar gal Fee :) Fee just kept pouring drinks for everyone all night. Usually before you had finished you're last one she would pop over with another, honestly that girl was trained well! So we all had drinks and socialised. It was great to meet up with the cousins and see how they were all doing. Once that was all done we went inside and had some speeches, food and more drink!
The speeches were funny and very verbose, the speeches were perhaps longer than the ceremony. Allen was the master of cermonies and he did a very good job not that I can really remeber any of what was said :) Mum song a poem and Grandma said something really good, I thought it was just spot on. Shelley thanked everyone individually and Mikey tried to do the same but I interuppted him to much before he finished and well he just finished mid way through. I'm just terrible. John and his x brother in law(his name escapes me) both gave dashing speeches, perhaps a little to much dash and not enough peeper :)(te he he)
Once I'd gave Fee and good talking to and I had more than enough liqour Cam and I were taken courtsey of Wayne to Queenstown central for more festivities. Well I was quite happy by this stage and Cam kept buying me drinks, which he invariably drank or left. We went to a couple of bars and Cameron met a bouncer whom he know from the Te Anua days it was all very cool. After a while we stumbled back home to our motel.
The next day we had breakfast and left back to Auckland! What an awesome wedding and judging by the photo's what a great place. It gives me idea for my wedding.... oh that's right up single
Sorry for the delay on the post.
Love Jimmer
Check out these photos and video's
My personal favourite of the trip Allen(Stepfather) making faces :)
This guy just played music in the background very cool.
Good little shot of the olds Mum and Allen.
And you thought you were tough, my cousin Aaron(Waynes son) is definately tough!
But wait here's his brother Bevan! Go Bevan Go, Bevan's a racer.
My cousin in law, Lij Mikael(what a name! spelling compliements of Shelley)
My other cousin Paul(Aunt Shelleys son), he didn't need to pull a tough face, he just was tough!
Here's Mike he's a hard arse!
John pulled the deal off and obviously boasting, good on him.
Mum and Cam just real happy about it.
Who's a cutie little couple- Shelley n John.
Look I'm having the flowers right, get you're flithy hands off.
Me blinded.
Cam blinded.
Another pix of the venue.
Local talent in Qtown :) Looks like summer? Sure felt like it
Cam in queenstown pimping hard ourside Louis, go Cam!
Paul going hard!
The boys.
Funny Paul
Sexy Fee!
Real bad lighting, not very good footage. I've got some other pix and video but they ain't as good.
So that's all folks, big post.
Poker @ the Green Inn
Last night I played in a no-cash poker tourney and I made it to fourth place, unfortunately only 1st and 2nd had cash prizes so I didn't win anything.
However I met Jason, Rachael and Tony who were also playing poker and they invited me to a wedding this Saturday! And ontop of that they invited me to a 21st on Monday. HARD! So I had a few drinks and then it was off to the bar next door for a few more with my new friends.
They were all on holiday for 2 weeks and ply'd me with liquor, so I have somewhat of a hangover this morning. Had a good time, they actually have a little night life here at Port.
Yeah so I'm pretty tired @ work today, got home at 2am! So it's off to the shops now to buy some more work clothes. Everyone wears business attire around here minus the tie. Pretty stink but I'm putting up with it.
On the house front it looks like I'll be getting the 3bdrm with pool so be sure to e-mail if you're planning a trip. That's me for now.
However I met Jason, Rachael and Tony who were also playing poker and they invited me to a wedding this Saturday! And ontop of that they invited me to a 21st on Monday. HARD! So I had a few drinks and then it was off to the bar next door for a few more with my new friends.
They were all on holiday for 2 weeks and ply'd me with liquor, so I have somewhat of a hangover this morning. Had a good time, they actually have a little night life here at Port.
Yeah so I'm pretty tired @ work today, got home at 2am! So it's off to the shops now to buy some more work clothes. Everyone wears business attire around here minus the tie. Pretty stink but I'm putting up with it.
On the house front it looks like I'll be getting the 3bdrm with pool so be sure to e-mail if you're planning a trip. That's me for now.
Monday, October 09, 2006
First Day At First Data
Hey everyone!
Sunday I took the greyhound bus to Port Macquarie from Gold Coast Airport.
And it was a long 9 hour journey with a few stops....

Anyway arrived at Port, went to my Motel - which incidently is crap. Had some room service which was good. Then had some sleep 8:30pm - 6:00am, 9 and half hours mmmmmmmmmm

Had breakfast and shower steamed my shirt followed by a quick iron. All dressed up like a gangsta I rocked off to work. Should have taken a picture but I had more on my mind.
So went off to work - County Energy; and met my contact and boss Jo. She's awesome though openly can be abit of a micro manager! Yikes, anyway I can deal with that my first boss Paula was like that and more.
They even had a keycard with my picture on it, complements of friends at TelstraClear. I logged in setup my T42 IBM laptop and tried to get everything working, everything worked apart from my e-mail. Perhaps the firewall is blocking it, dam firewalls.

I'm working with an Indian Rishi and have another project manager boss Lee and someone else that's away. I'll be staying at Ben's apartment until I choose my abode and I can take time off work to find it! Mum will be happy :)
The accomadation is expensive here! Well prolly more scarce than expensive, but I'm deciding what to do, pay 350/week for 3bdroom(furnished) or flat with someone 110/week. I can write the 350 off against exps and reduce my tax and have some ppl to stay or go flatting meet some more ppl but no write off and no ppl staying. I'm guessing not many ppl will want to stay anyway it's a big call. Updated - looks like I've found a place for $230 / week yay!

So tomorrow I'll be looking @ houses in my work time :) (chuckle chuckle)
The work seems really easy, and the place really cool but small. I'm happy but will need to get a cheap car, fast internet connection and meet a few ppl in this small town.
For those interested yes theres fishing in Port Macquarie - not that I'll probably do that much.

Went for a walk the other morning and everyone is surfing before work, pretty cool huh.

Hope you are all happy and well.
Love Jamie
Sunday I took the greyhound bus to Port Macquarie from Gold Coast Airport.
And it was a long 9 hour journey with a few stops....

Anyway arrived at Port, went to my Motel - which incidently is crap. Had some room service which was good. Then had some sleep 8:30pm - 6:00am, 9 and half hours mmmmmmmmmm

Had breakfast and shower steamed my shirt followed by a quick iron. All dressed up like a gangsta I rocked off to work. Should have taken a picture but I had more on my mind.
So went off to work - County Energy; and met my contact and boss Jo. She's awesome though openly can be abit of a micro manager! Yikes, anyway I can deal with that my first boss Paula was like that and more.
They even had a keycard with my picture on it, complements of friends at TelstraClear. I logged in setup my T42 IBM laptop and tried to get everything working, everything worked apart from my e-mail. Perhaps the firewall is blocking it, dam firewalls.

I'm working with an Indian Rishi and have another project manager boss Lee and someone else that's away. I'll be staying at Ben's apartment until I choose my abode and I can take time off work to find it! Mum will be happy :)
The accomadation is expensive here! Well prolly more scarce than expensive, but I'm deciding what to do, pay 350/week for 3bdroom(furnished) or flat with someone 110/week. I can write the 350 off against exps and reduce my tax and have some ppl to stay or go flatting meet some more ppl but no write off and no ppl staying. I'm guessing not many ppl will want to stay anyway it's a big call. Updated - looks like I've found a place for $230 / week yay!

So tomorrow I'll be looking @ houses in my work time :) (chuckle chuckle)
The work seems really easy, and the place really cool but small. I'm happy but will need to get a cheap car, fast internet connection and meet a few ppl in this small town.
For those interested yes theres fishing in Port Macquarie - not that I'll probably do that much.

Went for a walk the other morning and everyone is surfing before work, pretty cool huh.

Hope you are all happy and well.
Love Jamie
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