Another week has passed and I'm finally getting settled into Port, met so many good people and I'm having a great time. Though I'm missing all my kiwi friends and hope you all are good.
At poker I've met many good friends and Josh aka DJ Stains is just one of them, he invited me to his 24th party down at the local trailer park. Stains had booked out a cabin/house(it was upmarket) and threw the party there.
I didn't know anyone at the but I met Ash(he business partner & friend of Stains) introduced me to everyone and made sure they knew I was a kiwi. Then the jokes started something about sex and six, I responded saying sex(actually six Aussie version) and they couldn't quite pick it, so I had to let out a six(Kiwi version), a few giggles followed.
It helped break the ice and break the nerves abit, then I met Rod, Adam, Dylan, Curby, Emily, Slim, Brian and many others. We all went nightclubbing and I had a great time, although I got abit drunk and tired and bailed early. All and all though it was very cool :-)
Thanks Stains for such an awesome night and everyone for being so kool to the token kiwi. Next week I'm off to Rachel's 21st in Inverell yeaaaaaaaaha :)
You can see my album here, decided not to paste the pictures in my blog now.
Here's my new apartment as well all moved in, cable next week fingers crossed :)
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Chat enabled web page
Thursday, October 12, 2006
John and Shelleys Wedding
Honestly Queenstown? What was Shelley thinking, me and Cam booked tickets in advance which was lucky for us :) Turned out that Cam and I were booked on the same flight as Allan, it was a good trip down from Auckland only an hour and a half. Once we arrived we jumped in the rental and met up with the wedding crew. Everyone looked stressed, with only 4 hours to the wedding. So we left them to it and went straight to the pub! Where else would you go?
So we had a couple of beers and pizza's, nice service and there was a nice Swedish bar gal, we have a good ole chat. Her parting remarks were get absolutely wasted tonight, she'd been to 5 weddings recently and must of been enjoying them. Now that I think about it, she must of known the bar staff at Stoneridge(wedding venue) because the bar staff there just kept pouring drinks for us all night!
So after we relaxed a little we headed to the wedding and had to change on a dirt road, was rather amusing my black shoes turned dust colour but it all worked out. Stoneridge was a beautiful venue, and the views were Queenstown magnificent. You'll know if you go :) The ceremony was held in a qaint little chapel and it was brief and formal - very cool. Followed by a 10 minutes of photo's and abit of chatter. Then it was up to the bar :)
And low and behold there was this very georgeous bar gal Fee :) Fee just kept pouring drinks for everyone all night. Usually before you had finished you're last one she would pop over with another, honestly that girl was trained well! So we all had drinks and socialised. It was great to meet up with the cousins and see how they were all doing. Once that was all done we went inside and had some speeches, food and more drink!
The speeches were funny and very verbose, the speeches were perhaps longer than the ceremony. Allen was the master of cermonies and he did a very good job not that I can really remeber any of what was said :) Mum song a poem and Grandma said something really good, I thought it was just spot on. Shelley thanked everyone individually and Mikey tried to do the same but I interuppted him to much before he finished and well he just finished mid way through. I'm just terrible. John and his x brother in law(his name escapes me) both gave dashing speeches, perhaps a little to much dash and not enough peeper :)(te he he)
Once I'd gave Fee and good talking to and I had more than enough liqour Cam and I were taken courtsey of Wayne to Queenstown central for more festivities. Well I was quite happy by this stage and Cam kept buying me drinks, which he invariably drank or left. We went to a couple of bars and Cameron met a bouncer whom he know from the Te Anua days it was all very cool. After a while we stumbled back home to our motel.
The next day we had breakfast and left back to Auckland! What an awesome wedding and judging by the photo's what a great place. It gives me idea for my wedding.... oh that's right up single
Sorry for the delay on the post.
Love Jimmer
Check out these photos and video's
My personal favourite of the trip Allen(Stepfather) making faces :)
This guy just played music in the background very cool.
Good little shot of the olds Mum and Allen.
And you thought you were tough, my cousin Aaron(Waynes son) is definately tough!
But wait here's his brother Bevan! Go Bevan Go, Bevan's a racer.
My cousin in law, Lij Mikael(what a name! spelling compliements of Shelley)
My other cousin Paul(Aunt Shelleys son), he didn't need to pull a tough face, he just was tough!
Here's Mike he's a hard arse!
John pulled the deal off and obviously boasting, good on him.
Mum and Cam just real happy about it.
Who's a cutie little couple- Shelley n John.
Look I'm having the flowers right, get you're flithy hands off.
Me blinded.
Cam blinded.
Another pix of the venue.
Local talent in Qtown :) Looks like summer? Sure felt like it
Cam in queenstown pimping hard ourside Louis, go Cam!
Paul going hard!
The boys.
Funny Paul
Sexy Fee!
Real bad lighting, not very good footage. I've got some other pix and video but they ain't as good.
So that's all folks, big post.
Poker @ the Green Inn
Last night I played in a no-cash poker tourney and I made it to fourth place, unfortunately only 1st and 2nd had cash prizes so I didn't win anything.
However I met Jason, Rachael and Tony who were also playing poker and they invited me to a wedding this Saturday! And ontop of that they invited me to a 21st on Monday. HARD! So I had a few drinks and then it was off to the bar next door for a few more with my new friends.
They were all on holiday for 2 weeks and ply'd me with liquor, so I have somewhat of a hangover this morning. Had a good time, they actually have a little night life here at Port.
Yeah so I'm pretty tired @ work today, got home at 2am! So it's off to the shops now to buy some more work clothes. Everyone wears business attire around here minus the tie. Pretty stink but I'm putting up with it.
On the house front it looks like I'll be getting the 3bdrm with pool so be sure to e-mail if you're planning a trip. That's me for now.
However I met Jason, Rachael and Tony who were also playing poker and they invited me to a wedding this Saturday! And ontop of that they invited me to a 21st on Monday. HARD! So I had a few drinks and then it was off to the bar next door for a few more with my new friends.
They were all on holiday for 2 weeks and ply'd me with liquor, so I have somewhat of a hangover this morning. Had a good time, they actually have a little night life here at Port.
Yeah so I'm pretty tired @ work today, got home at 2am! So it's off to the shops now to buy some more work clothes. Everyone wears business attire around here minus the tie. Pretty stink but I'm putting up with it.
On the house front it looks like I'll be getting the 3bdrm with pool so be sure to e-mail if you're planning a trip. That's me for now.
Monday, October 09, 2006
First Day At First Data
Hey everyone!
Sunday I took the greyhound bus to Port Macquarie from Gold Coast Airport.
And it was a long 9 hour journey with a few stops....

Anyway arrived at Port, went to my Motel - which incidently is crap. Had some room service which was good. Then had some sleep 8:30pm - 6:00am, 9 and half hours mmmmmmmmmm

Had breakfast and shower steamed my shirt followed by a quick iron. All dressed up like a gangsta I rocked off to work. Should have taken a picture but I had more on my mind.
So went off to work - County Energy; and met my contact and boss Jo. She's awesome though openly can be abit of a micro manager! Yikes, anyway I can deal with that my first boss Paula was like that and more.
They even had a keycard with my picture on it, complements of friends at TelstraClear. I logged in setup my T42 IBM laptop and tried to get everything working, everything worked apart from my e-mail. Perhaps the firewall is blocking it, dam firewalls.

I'm working with an Indian Rishi and have another project manager boss Lee and someone else that's away. I'll be staying at Ben's apartment until I choose my abode and I can take time off work to find it! Mum will be happy :)
The accomadation is expensive here! Well prolly more scarce than expensive, but I'm deciding what to do, pay 350/week for 3bdroom(furnished) or flat with someone 110/week. I can write the 350 off against exps and reduce my tax and have some ppl to stay or go flatting meet some more ppl but no write off and no ppl staying. I'm guessing not many ppl will want to stay anyway it's a big call. Updated - looks like I've found a place for $230 / week yay!

So tomorrow I'll be looking @ houses in my work time :) (chuckle chuckle)
The work seems really easy, and the place really cool but small. I'm happy but will need to get a cheap car, fast internet connection and meet a few ppl in this small town.
For those interested yes theres fishing in Port Macquarie - not that I'll probably do that much.

Went for a walk the other morning and everyone is surfing before work, pretty cool huh.

Hope you are all happy and well.
Love Jamie
Sunday I took the greyhound bus to Port Macquarie from Gold Coast Airport.
And it was a long 9 hour journey with a few stops....

Anyway arrived at Port, went to my Motel - which incidently is crap. Had some room service which was good. Then had some sleep 8:30pm - 6:00am, 9 and half hours mmmmmmmmmm

Had breakfast and shower steamed my shirt followed by a quick iron. All dressed up like a gangsta I rocked off to work. Should have taken a picture but I had more on my mind.
So went off to work - County Energy; and met my contact and boss Jo. She's awesome though openly can be abit of a micro manager! Yikes, anyway I can deal with that my first boss Paula was like that and more.
They even had a keycard with my picture on it, complements of friends at TelstraClear. I logged in setup my T42 IBM laptop and tried to get everything working, everything worked apart from my e-mail. Perhaps the firewall is blocking it, dam firewalls.

I'm working with an Indian Rishi and have another project manager boss Lee and someone else that's away. I'll be staying at Ben's apartment until I choose my abode and I can take time off work to find it! Mum will be happy :)
The accomadation is expensive here! Well prolly more scarce than expensive, but I'm deciding what to do, pay 350/week for 3bdroom(furnished) or flat with someone 110/week. I can write the 350 off against exps and reduce my tax and have some ppl to stay or go flatting meet some more ppl but no write off and no ppl staying. I'm guessing not many ppl will want to stay anyway it's a big call. Updated - looks like I've found a place for $230 / week yay!

So tomorrow I'll be looking @ houses in my work time :) (chuckle chuckle)
The work seems really easy, and the place really cool but small. I'm happy but will need to get a cheap car, fast internet connection and meet a few ppl in this small town.
For those interested yes theres fishing in Port Macquarie - not that I'll probably do that much.

Went for a walk the other morning and everyone is surfing before work, pretty cool huh.

Hope you are all happy and well.
Love Jamie
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