Monday, October 29, 2007

Checkout the new apartment

The new apartment tours.

Jamies' tour

Melissas' tour

Went to Ikea on the weekend and filled it up with stuff


Leon Smith said...

Holy crap that place is HUGE!!! All good though - looks like we might get to know each other pretty well when me and Cam come over for the visit! LOL ;-)

Mate mate mate those peach coloured toilet rolls look a bit pooofda mate :p

Sounds like you guys have been watching a bit of Borat too! VERRRYY NICE!

Only 4 months to go now!

Melissa Call said...

Great Videos... You'll be right at home visiting us later on this month. We only have two rooms too!!

Hope Melissa's not allergic to cats...



Unknown said...

Hehe. I love the guided tour. Your place is one up on mine. You have a washer dryer! CLAAASSS :)
